
newOpcodes.cleo - HELP
NewOpcodes.cleo help file

0D00=3,matrix %3d% = matrix %1d% * matrix %2d%
Matrix multiplication.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: pointer to matrix
Param 3: pointer to matrix

0D01=6,rotate_matrix %1d% on_axis %2d% %3d% %4d% angle %5d% combine_op %6d%
Matrix rotation.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: axis X
Param 2: axis Y
Param 3: axis Z
Param 4: angle in degrees
Param 5: combine variant

0D02=2,%2d% = matrix %1d% x_angle
Gets the X angle of matrix (in degrees)
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: var to store angle

0D03=2,%2d% = matrix %1d% y_angle
Gets the Y angle of matrix (in degrees)
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: var to store angle

0D04=2,%2d% = matrix %1d% z_angle
Gets the Z angle of matrix (in degrees)
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: var to store angle

0D05=4,set_matrix %1d% position %2d% %3d% %4d%
Sets position for matrix.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: position X
Param 3: position Y
Param 4: position Z

0D06=4,get_matrix %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
Gets position of matrix.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: var to store position X
Param 3: var to store position Y
Param 4: var to store position Z

0D07=7,get_coords %1d% %2d% %3d% offsets_relative_to_matrix %4d% store_to %5d% %6d% %7d%
Gets point relative offset on matrix.
Param 1: point X
Param 2: point Y
Param 3: point Z
Param 4: pointer to matrix
Param 5: var to store X offset
Param 6: var to store Y offset
Param 7: var to store Z offset

0D08=4,set_matrix %1d% angles_XYZ %2d% %3d% %4d%
Sets matrix angles.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: X angle
Param 3: Y angle
Param 4: Z angle

0D09=2,copy_matrix %1d% to %2d%
Copies matrix to another matrix.
Param 1: pointer to source matrix
Param 2: pointer to destination matrix

0D0A=7,store_coords_to %5d% %6d% %7d% from_matrix %1d% with_offsets %2d% %3d% %4d%
Gets coords on offset from matrix.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: X offset
Param 3: Y offset
Param 4: Z offset
Param 5: var to store X coord
Param 6: var to store Y coord
Param 7: vat to store Z coord

0D0B=3,get_actor %1d% bone %2d% matrix_to %3d%
Gets actor's bone world matrix.
Param 1: actor handle
Param 2: bone, see Bones in stdc
Param 3: var to store pointer to matrix

0D0C=3,get_car %1d% component %2s% matrix_to %3d% // IF and SET
Gets world matrix of car component.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: component name
Param 3: var to store pointer to matrix
Condition: returns true, if component is exist

0D0D=3,%3d% = get_car %1d% component %2s% // IF and SET
Gets car component.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: component name
Param 3: var to store component
Condition: returns true, if component is exist

0D0E=3,set_car %1d% component %2s% state %3d% // IF and SET
Sets component state.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: component name
Param 3: state, see Component states in stdc

0D0F=2,set_car %1d% model_alpha %2d%
Sets alpha value for car's model.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: alpha (0-255)

0D10=2,set_actor %1d% model_alpha %2d%
Sets alpha value for actor's model.
Param 1: actor handle
Param 2: alpha (0-255)

0D11=2,set_object %1d% model_alpha %2d%
Sets alpha value for object's model.
Param 1: object handle
Param 2: alpha (0-255)

0D12=3,set_car %1d% component %2s% model_alpha %3d% // IF and SET
Sets alpha value for car's component model.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: component name
Param 3: alpha (0-255)
Condition: returns true, if component is exist.

0D13=2,set_matrix %1d% x_angle %2d%
Sets matrix x angle.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: angle (in degrees)

0D14=2,set_matrix %1d% y_angle %2d%
Sets matrix y angle.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: angle (in degrees)

0D15=2,set_matrix %1d% z_angle %2d%
Sets matrix z angle.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: angle (in degrees)

0D16=2,set_matrix %1d% rotation_from_quat %2d%
Sets matrix rotation from quaternion.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: pointer to quat

0D17=2,convert_matrix %1d% to_quat %2d%
Sets quaternion from matrix.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: pointer to quat

0D18=6,rotate_quat %1d% axis_vector %2d% %3d% %4d% angle %5d% combine_op %6d%
Rotates quaternion.
Param 1: pointer to quat
Param 2: axis X
Param 3: axis Y
Param 4: axis Z
Param 5: angle (in degrees)
Param 6: combine variant

0D19=2,get_normalized_quat %1d% to_quat %2d%
Normalizes quaternion.
Param 1: pointer to quat
Param 2: pointer to quat to store result

0D1A=3,quat %3d% = quat %1d% * quat %2d%
Quaternion multiplication.
Param 1: pointer to quat
Param 2: pointer to quat

0D1B=3,get_entity %1d% type_to %2d% class_to %3d%
Gets information about entity type.
Param 1: entity struct
Param 2: var to store entity type, see Entity types in stdc
Param 3: var to store entity class, see Entity classes in stdc

0D1C=1,normalize_vector %1d%
Normalizes vector.
Param 1: pointer to vector

0D1D=4,matrix_slerp %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
Performs matrix slerp.
Param 1: pointer to result matrix
Param 2: pointer to matrix
Param 3: pointer to matrix
Param 4: t

0D1E=4,quat_slerp %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
Performs quaternion slerp.
Param 1: pointer to result quat
Param 2: pointer to quat
Param 3: pointer to quat
Param 4: t

0D1F=2,%2d% = component %1d% child
Gets component child component.
Param 1: component
Param 2: var to store component

0D20=2,%2d% = component %1d% next_component
Gets component next component.
Param 1: component
Param 2: var to store componnt

0D21=2,%2s% = component %1d% name
Gets component name component.
Param 1: component
Param 2: var/adress to store component name

0D22=2,%2d% = component %1d% ltm
Gets component world matrix.
Param 1: component
Param 2: var to store matrix pointer

0D23=2,%2d% = component %1d% modelling_matrix
Gets component modelling matrix.
Param 1: component
Param 2: var to store matrix pointer

0D24=5,set_quat %1d% elements %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
Sets quaternion elements.
Param 1: pointer to quat
Param 2: X
Param 3: Y
Param 4: Z
Param 5: W

0D25=17,set_matrix %1d% elements %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d% %11d% %12d% %13d% %14d% %15d% %16d% %17d%
Sets matrix elements.
Param 1: pointer to matrix
Param 2: right X
Param 3: right Y
Param 4: right Z
Param 5: flags
Param 6: top X
Param 7: top Y
Param 8: top Z
Param 9: unused
Param 10: at X
Param 11: at Y
Param 12: at Z
Param 13: unused
Param 14: position X
Param 15: position Y
Param 16: position Z
Param 17: unused

0D26=4,set_vector %1d% elements %2d% %3d% %4d%
Sets vector elements.
Param 1: pointer to vector
Param 2: X
Param 3: Y
Param 4: Z

0D27=3,copy_memory_from %1d% to %2d% size %3d%
Copies block of memory.
Param 1: source
Param 2: destination
Param 3: size in bytes

0D28=4,get_vector %1d% elements_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
Gets vector elements.
Param 1: pointer to vector
Param 2: var to store X
Param 3: var to store Y
Param 4: var to store Z

0D29=5,get_quat %1d% elements_to %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
Gets quaternion elements.
Param 1: pointer to vector
Param 2: var to store X
Param 3: var to store Y
Param 4: var to store Z
Param 5: var to store W

0D2A=2,%2d% = get_car %1d% number_of_collided_entites
Gets car number of collided entities
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: var to store number

0D2B=2,%2d% = get_actor %1d% number_of_collided_entites
Gets actor number of collided entities
Param 1: actor handle
Param 2: var to store number

0D2C=2,%2d% = get_object %1d% number_of_collided_entites
Gets object number of collided entities
Param 1: object handle
Param 2: var to store number

0D2D=8,get_local_time_year_to %1d% month_to %2d% day_of_week_to %3d% day_to %4d% hour_to %5d% minute_to %6d% second_to %7d% milliseconds_to %8d%
Gets currents time from OS.
Param 1: var to store year, set -1 to ignore
Param 2: var to store month, set -1 to ignore
Param 3: var to store day of week, set -1 to ignore
Param 4: var to store day, set -1 to ignore
Param 5: var to store hour, set -1 to ignore
Param 6: var to store minute, set -1 to ignore
Param 7: var to store second, set -1 to ignore
Param 8: var to store milliseconds, set -1 to ignore

0D2E=3,set_thread %1d% var %2d% to %3d%
Sets value of thread's local variable.
Param 1: thread pointer
Param 2: var number
Param 3: value

0D2F=3,%3d% = get_thread %1d% var %2d%
Gets value of thread's local variable.
Param 1: thread pointer
Param 2: var number
Param 3: var to store value

0D30=3,%3d% = actor %1d% bone %2d%
Gets actor's bone.
Param 1: actor handle
Param 2: bone, see Bones in stdc
Param 3: var to store bone

0D31=2,%2d% = bone %1d% offset_vector
Gets bone offset.
Param 1: bone
Param 2: var to store pointer to vector

0D32=2,%2d% = bone %1d% quat
Gets bone quaternion.
Param 1: bone
Param 2: var to store pointer to quat

0D33=3,set_car %1d% door %2d% window_state %3d%
Sets car window state.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: door, see Vehicle doors in stdc
Param 3: state, see Window states in stdc

0D34=7,store_car %1d% collided_entities_to %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
Stores car collided entities.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 3: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 4: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 5: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 6: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 7: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore

0D35=7,store_actor %1d% collided_entities_to %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
Stores actor collided entities.
Param 1: actor handle
Param 2: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 3: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 4: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 5: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 6: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 7: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore

0D36=7,store_object %1d% collided_entities_to %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
Stores object collided entities.
Param 1: object handle
Param 2: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 3: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 4: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 5: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 6: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore
Param 7: var to store entity struct, set -1 to ignore

0D37=3,struct %1d% param %2d% = %3d%
Sets struct with 4b alignment param value.
Param 1: pointer to struct
Param 2: param index, start index is 0
Param 3: value

0D38=3,%3d% = struct %1d% param %2d%
Gets struct with 4b alignment param value.
Param 1: pointer to struct
Param 2: param index, start index is 0
Param 3: var to store value

0D39=2,%2d% = actor %1d% max_health
Gets actor max health value.
Param 1: actor handle
Param 2: var to store value

0D3A=20,get_collision_between_points %1d% %2d% %3d% and %4d% %5d% %6d% flags %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d% %11d% %12d% %13d% %14d% ignore_entity %15d% store_point_to %17d% %18d% %19d% entity_to %20d% colpoint_data_to %16d% // IF and SET
Gets collision data between two points.
Param 1: start X
Param 2: start Y
Param 3: start Z
Param 4: end X
Param 5: end Y
Param 6: end Z
Param 7: check solid objects
Param 8: check vehicles
Param 9: check peds
Param 10: check dynamic objects
Param 11: chack dummies
Param 12: ignore see-through stuff
Param 13: ignore some objects for camera
Param 14: ignore shoot-through stuff
Param 15: entity to ignore
Param 16: pointer to colpoint data, use STD_COLPOINT_DATA to use standart data buffer
Param 17: var to store result X
Param 18: var to store result Y
Param 19: var to store resilt Z
Param 20: var to store collided entity
Condition: returns true if there is an obstacle between points

0D3B=4,get_colpoint_data %1d% normal_XYZ_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
Gets colpoint normal vector.
Param 1: pointer to colpoint data
Param 2: var to store normal X
Param 3: var to store normal Y
Param 4: var to store normal Z

0D3C=2,get_colpoint_data %1d% surface_to %2d%
Gets colpoint data surface ID.
Param 1: pointer to colpoint data
Param 2: var to store surface ID

0D3D=2,get_colpoint_data %1d% lighting_to %2d%
Gets colpoint data lighting value.
Param 1: pointer to colpoint data
Param 2: var to store value

0D3E=2,get_colpoint_data %1d% depth_to %2d%
Gets colpoint data depth value.
Param 1: pointer to colpoint data
Param 2: var to store value

0D3F=10,find_intersrction_between_circles %1d% %2d% %3d% and %4d% %5d% %6d% store_point1_to %7d% %8d% point2_to %9d% %10d%
Finds intersrction coordinaes between tow circles.
Param 1: circleA X
Param 2: circleA Y
Param 3: circleA radius
Param 4: circleB X
Param 5: circleB Y
Param 6: circleB radius
Param 7: var to store first intersection point X
Param 8: var to store first intersection point Y
Param 9: var to store second intersection point X
Param 10: var to store second intersection point Y

0D40=8,draw_2d_shape_type %3d% texture %4d% numVerts %2d% pVerts %1d% vertexAlpha %5d% srcBlend %6d% dstBlend %7d% priority %8d%
Draws 2D shape.
Param 1: pointer to vertex buffer, use STD_VERTEX_BUFFER to use standart vertex buffer
Param 2: number if vertices, maximal number is 100
Param 3: shape type, see Primitive types in stdc
Param 4: texture, use NULL if you want to draw without texture
Param 5: enable vertex alpha
Param 6: source-blending, see Blend values in stdc
Param 7: destination-blending, see Blend values in stdc
Param 8: drawing priority, Shape priority in stdc

0D41=14,set_vertices %1d% vertex %2d% xyz %5d% %6d% %7d% rhw %8d% RGBA %9d% %10d% %11d% %12d% uv %13d% %14d% invertX %3d% invertY %4d%
Sets vertex params.
Param 1: pointer to vertex buffer, use STD_VERTEX_BUFFER to use standart vertex buffer
Param 2: vertex ID, start index is 1
Param 3: invert on X
Param 4: invert on Y
Param 5: X coord
Param 6: Y coord
Param 7: Z coord
Param 8: RHW
Param 9: red
Param 10: green
Param 11: blue
Param 12: alpha
Param 13: u-coord of texture
Param 14: v-coord of texture

0D42=2,load_txd %1s% from %2s%
Lods txd from file.
Param 1: name for new txd
Param 2: file path

0D43=2,%2d% = txd %1s% id
Gets txd's id.
Param 1: txd name
Param 2: var to store id

0D44=3,%3d% = find_texture %1s% in_dictionary_named %2s% // IF and SET
Finds texture in txd.
Param 1: texture name
Param 2: txd name
Param 3: var to store texture
Condition: returns true if texture was found

0D45=5,rotate_2d_vertices_shape %1d% num_verts %2d% aroundXY %3d% %4d% angle %5d%
Rotates vetices of 2D shape around point.
Param 1: pointer to vertex buffer
Param 2: number of vertices
Param 3: point X
Param 4: point Y
Param 5: angle (in degrees)

0D46=3,%3d% = find_texture %1s% in_dictionary_with_id %2d% // IF and SET
Finds texture in txd.
Param 1: texture name
Param 2: txd id
Param 3: var to store texture
Condition: returns true if texture was found

0D47=2,%2d% = model %1d% txd_id
Gets txd's id for model.
Param 1: model id
Param 2: var to store txd id

0D48=2,%2d% = model %1d% crc32_key
Gets model's CRC32 key.
Param 1: model id
Param 2: var to store key

0D49=3, %3d% = compare_strings %1s% %2s% // IF and SET
Compares two strings.
Param 1: string/pointer to string
Param 2: string/pointer to string
Condition: returns true if strings are equal

0D4A=2,concatenate_strings %1d% %2s%
Concatenate strings.
Param 1: pointer to string
Param 2: string/pointer to string

0D4B=3, %3d% = locate_substring %1d% %2s% // IF and SET
Finds the first occurrence of a string.
Param 1: pointer to string
Param 2: string/pointer to string
Param 3: var to store pointer to string
Condition: returns true if occurence was found

0D4C=2,%2d% = string %1s% length
Gets string length.
Param 1: string/pointer to string
Param 2: var to store length

0D4D=2,copy_string %1s% to %2s%
Copies string to another string
Param 1: string/pointer to string
Param 2: string/poiner to string

0D4E=4,%4d% = struct %1d% offset %2d% size %3d%
Gets value at struct offset.
Param 1: pointer to struct
Param 2: offset (in bytes)
Param 3: size (BYTE/WORD/DWORD)
Param 4: var to store value

0D4F=4,struct %1d% offset %2d% size %3d% = %4d%
Sets value at struct offset.
Param 1: pointer to struct
Param 2: offset (in bytes)
Param 3: size (BYTE/WORD/DWORD)
Param 4: value

0D50=14,draw_shadow_type %1d% position %2d% %3d% %4d% width %5d% height %6d% rotation %7d% distance %8d% texture %9d% intensity %10d% RGB %11d% %12d% %13d% shadow_data %14d%
Draws shadow.
Param 1: shadow type, see Shadow types in stdc
Param 2: position X
Param 3: position Y
Param 4: position Z
Param 5: width
Param 6: height
Param 7: rotation (in degrees)
Param 8: z-distance
Param 9: texture (you can also use some default shadow textures, see Shadow textures in stdc)
Param 10: intensity
Param 11: red
Param 12: green
Param 13: blue
Param 14: pointer to shadow data (use NULL is shadow don't use shadow data)

0D51=14,draw_permanent_shadow_type %1d% position %2d% %3d% %4d% width %5d% height %6d% rotation %7d% distance %8d% texture %9d% intensity %10d% RGB %11d% %12d% %13d% time %14d%
Draws permanent shadow.
Param 1: shadow type, see Shadow types in stdc
Param 2: position X
Param 3: position Y
Param 4: position Z
Param 5: width
Param 6: height
Param 7: rotation (in degrees)
Param 8: z-distance
Param 9: texture (you can also use some default shadow textures, see Shadow textures in stdc)
Param 10: intensity
Param 11: red
Param 12: green
Param 13: blue
Param 14: time (ms)

0D52=12,draw_light_type %1d% position %2d% %3d% %4d% direction %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% RGBA %9d% %10d% %11d% affect_entity %12d%
Draws light.
Param 1: light type, see Light types in stdc
Param 2: position X
Param 3: position Y
Param 4: position Z
Param 5: direction X
Param 6: direction Y
Param 7: direction Z
Param 8: radius
Param 9: red
Param 10: green
Param 11: blue
Param 12: affected entity (use NULL if there's no entity to be affected)

0D53=10,draw_corona_with_texture %1d% color %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% on_entity %6d% at %7d% %8d% %9d% size %10d%
Draws corona.
Param 1: textue (you can also use some default corona textures, see Corona textures in stdc)
Param 2: red
Param 3: green
Param 4: blue
Param 5: alpha
Param 6: enity (use NULL if there is no entity)
Param 7: X position
Param 8: Y position
Param 9: Z position
Param 10: size

0D54=18,draw_corona_with_extra_params_texture %1d% color %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% on_entity %6d% at %7d% %8d% %9d% size %10d% far_clip %11d% near_clip %12d% flare %13d% enable_reflection %14d% check_obstacles %15d% flash_while_fading %16d% fade_speed %17d% only_from_below %18d%
Draws corona with some extra parameters.
Param 1: textue (you can also use some default corona textures, see Corona textures in stdc)
Param 2: red
Param 3: green
Param 4: blue
Param 5: alpha
Param 6: enity (use NULL if there is no entity)
Param 7: X position
Param 8: Y position
Param 9: Z position
Param 10: size
Param 11: far clip
Param 12: near clip
Param 13: flare type
Param 14: enable reflection at wet weather
Param 15: check obstacles
Param 16: flash while fading
Param 17: fade speed
Param 18: is seen only from below

0D55=6,get_sun_colors_core_to %1d% %2d% %3d% glow_to %4d% %5d% %6d%
Gets sun colors.
Param 1: var to store sun core red
Param 2: var to store sun core green
Param 3: var to store sun core blue
Param 4: var to store sun glow red
Param 5: var to store sun glow green
Param 6: var to store sun glow blue

0D56=2,get_sun_screen_coords_XY_to %1d% %2d%
Gets sun 2D position.
Param 1: var to store X position
Param 2: var to store Y position

0D57=3,get_sun_position_to %1d% %2d% %3d% // IF and SET
Gets sun 3D position.
Param 1: var to store X position
Param 2: var to store Y position
Param 3: var to store Z position
Returns true, if sun can be shown at the sky

0D58=2,get_sun_size_core_to %1d% glow_to %2d%
Gets sun size.
Param 1: var to store sun core size
Param 1: var to store sun glow size

0D59=1,%1d% = current_weather
Gets current weather.
Param 1: var to store weather id

0D5A=2,get_trafficlights_type_NS_current_color_to %1d% type_WE_current_color_to %2d%
Gets trafficlight colors.
Param 1: var to store color of NS trafficlights
Param 2: var to store color of WE trafficlights

0D5B=12,draw_spotlight_from %1d% %2d% %3d% to %4d% %5d% %6d% base_radius %7d% target_radius %8d% enable_shadow %9d% shadow_intensity %10d% flag1 %11d% flag2 %12d%
Draws spotlight.
Param 1: origin X
Param 2: origin Y
Param 3: origin Z
Param 4: target X
Param 5: target Y
Param 6: target Z
Param 7: base radius
Param 8: target radius
Param 9: draw shadow at target place
Param 10: intensity of shadow
Param 11: flag1
Param 12: flag2

0D5C=3,%3d% = get_car %1d% light %2d% damage_state
Gets car light damaging state.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: car light, see Light types in stdc
Param 3: var to store light damaging state, see Light states in stdc

0D5D=3,set_car %1d% light %2d% damage_state %3d%
Sets car light damaging state.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: car light, see Light types in stdc
Param 3: light damaging state, see Light states in stdc

0D5E=3,get_vehicle %1d% class_to %2d% subclass_to %3d%
Gets vehicle class and subclass.
Param 1: vehicle handle
Param 2: var to store vehicle's class, see Vehicle classes in stdc
Param 3: var to store vehicle's subclass, see Vehicle classes in stdc

0D5F=7,get_vehicle %1d% dummy_element %2d% position %3d% to %5d% %6d% %7d% invert_x %4d%
Gets vehicle dummy position.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: dummy element, see Vehicle dummies in stdc
Param 3: position type, see Position type in stdc

0D60=10,create_projectile_type %1d% launched_from_entity %2d% origin %3d% %4d% %5d% target %6d% %7% %8d% target_entity %9d% force %10d% // IF and SET
Creates projectile.
Param 1: projectile type, see Projectile types in stdc
Param 2: pointer to entity struct
Param 3: origin X
Param 4: origin Y
Param 5: origin Z
Param 6: target X
Param 7: target Y
Param 8: target Z
Param 9: pointer to struct or NULL
Param 10: force
Condition: returns true if projectile was created

0D61=3, %3d% = load_texture_from %1s% with_mask %2s% // IF and SET
Loads texture from BMP file.
Param 1: file path
Param 2: file path or NULL, used as alpha mask
Param 3: var to store texture

0D62=2,set_car %1d% remap_texture %2d%
Sets car remap (paintjob texture), which are textures with remap_ prefix.
Param 1: car handle
Param 2: texture, use NULL if you want to set default texture

0D63=5,set_car %1d% color %2d% RGB %3d% %4d% %5d%
Sets car color.
Param 1: car hanle
Param 2: car color, see Car colors in stdc
Param 3: red
Param 4: green
Param 5: blue


  1. Anonymous10/8/12 02:41

    esto soluciona el problema de la inclinacion hacia adelante de los vehiculos?

  2. How to open file newOpcodes.cleo and IvLM.cs for look???

    1. You need to install newOpcodes first.

  3. Anonymous13/2/13 02:49

    I haven't coded with cleo in 3 years, is there any possible way we could get a code example of rotating and/or moving a new node, or by chance would you know of an existing example? ..and for new dummies, we add that via model data and hierarchy in the 3d app before export to dff correct?

  4. acabo de instalar gta sa le puse el imvehlm de dk22pac y se me sale tengo la version de cleo 4.1.130f o algo asi

  5. acabo de instalar gta sa le puse el imvehlm de dk22pac y se me sale tengo la version de cleo 4.1.130f o algo asi

  6. Hello Mr. dk22
    I thank you because you've designed a opcode that's helped me build my game GTA
    I could movable components machines by using your opcode
    Only now I have a problem, please help me
    I want to write code that can do object connected to car component, so that when that move part of the car, such as dump trailers, object move with that part of the car
    This mod is very important for me, please help me
    This e-mail me, please email me the answer
    I want to be associated with you in the way of disigne my game to help me
    I'm sorry because my English is not so good.
    very very very Thanks

  7. how to download this cause i dont see anything with word DOWNLOAD?

    1. Copy paste the contents into a text file, dipshit.
